President of CIRM, Guido Scano teaches piano and is department director the Arrigo Boito Conservatory of Parma.
As a performer, he played solo as well as in a piano duo, as part of quintets and other chamber music formations in Italy, Denmark, Turkey, Lithuania, Norway, India, Belarus, Slovenia, Egypt, Montenegro and Bulgaria.
Starting in 2008, he taught Erasmus programs in the Academies of Szeged (Hungary), Murcia (Spain), Cluj (Romania) and Trossingen (Germany), and was called as a juror at piano competitions in Italy, France (Nice, Lyon, Paris), Portugal (Oporto) Greece (Konzerteum), Poland (Bialystok) and Andorra.
As a passionate popularizer of Vincenzo Scaramuzza's rational piano technique, he regularly teaches masterclasses leading dozens of students to academic and professional success.

He collaborated with actresses Stefania Sandrelli, Milena Vukotic and Laura Curino as part of nationally renowned festivals.
He published the CDs:
- CondenSatie, an anthology of pieces by Erik Satie along with actor Alessandro Valentini;
- Cameristica, with original copositions by Lao Silesu;
- Ariette, a selection of original compositions by Giuseppe Nicolini on his 250th birth anniversary;
- Documenti Sonori, comprising rare pieces by Ferraria, Dalcroze and Ghedini.
Author of the book La dama sonora (2018) about Alberto Savinio's musician life, presented in several venues as part of piano performances of Savinio's works.
Founder of the Pietro Montani committee to promote the diffusion of the works of Montani as a composer. As a member of the committee, he brought many concerts and events to light.
Artistic director of several musical initiatives in Gallicano, Trieste, Dronero, Carloforte and Piacenza
Organizer of the successful program “A suon di musica”, a series of concerts taking place at the Piccolo Regio theatre of Torino from 2001 to 2007.
In addition to his diploma, obtained at the Giovanni Battista Martini Conservatory of Bologna, he attends a two-year program with Maestro Orazio Frugoni in Arezzo, and a four-year one on Vincenzo Scaramuzza's rational piano technique under the guidance of Maestro Fausto Zadra (Ecole Internationale de Piano, Lausanne, CH). He also attended Maestro Alfons Kontarsky's masterclasses to master his four hand repertoire at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.