(dagli 8 anni in su)
Per essere svolto con profitto e soddisfazione, lo studio del pianoforte necessita della giusta preparazione psico-fisica e musicale. Imprescindibili, ad esempio, la dissociazione ritmica tra le braccia e la lettura in due chiavi (anch’essa dissociativa).
Seguendo i principi pedagogici di Émile Jacques-Dalcroze, prepariamo i bambini alla lettura sviluppando in loro queste capacità nei corsi di ritmica-solfeggio. In tal modo, quando si troveranno a iniziare lo strumento, avranno un'adeguata base di competenza sia musicale (la lettura) che motoria.
Negli oltre 30 anni di attività del CIRM, grazie a questo sistema i bambini che hanno abbandonato lo studio del pianoforte per via della frustrazione si contano sulle dita di una mano.
Per gli allievi dalla particolare attitudine per la competizione, è incoraggiata la partecipazione a concorsi pianistici, nazionali e internazionali, e offerta una preparazione specifica.
Time and day of the courses:
As these are individual lessons, time and day will be discussed with the instructor. 2024-25 lessons start Tuesday, October 1st. They culminate in a theater performance on the first week of June.
(14 years and up)
This is the most suitable program for students with an existing musical background, who plan to prepare professionally for piano competitions or Conservatory admission exams.
Each student will have their very own program based on their specific needs, and will be taught according to Vincenzo Scaramuzza's Rational Piano Technique.
Weekly 1-on-1 lessons of 60-minutes each
ACADEMIC program
(for Conservatory students and pianists in search of new techniques)
Tension in the muscles, cramps and even tendinitis in piano students are not at all uncommon, especially after days of uninterrupted practice on particularly challenging repertoires.
Vincenzo Scaramuzza's Rational Piano Technique was created with the very purpose of maximizing the musician's expressive range with the least physical effort. How? By using gravity and resistance to it through all that nature already provided us with: muscles, tendons, and an active or reactive neuro-muscular control of the arm's weight. Scaramuzza identifies in the arm-forearm-finger-rotation-strike system the "levers" to be used in order to perform any repertoire at best.
Our program is tailored to the student's need: if it is about finding the right approach to a particular repertoire, or overcoming technical limitations, while preparing for a set of specific pieces for a competition or an exam, lessons will be held by prof. Guido Scano. If physical problems have already arised, requiring a "restoration" of the pianist's hand and posture, your instructor will be prof. Claudia Mattiotto.